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Our Vision


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Big Hug



Prayer Group



Be ready at all times to answer anyone who asks you to explain the hope you have in you.
(1 Peter 3:15 | Good News Bible)

Our Vision

Engage With Community (Locally and globally)


This means: - opening our buildings for others’ use e.g. Toddlers, Blood Donors, Councillors, etc.; raising money for charities e.g. Christian Aid, Butterwick Hospice, etc. In other words, being a presence and enabling people to know we are present and active within the community. Simple welcome leaflets with weekly activities readily available to anyone who crosses the threshold is a good example of this.


Care For One Another


This reinforces the Methodist reputation for pastoral care such as the giving of flowers for the sick etc. This heading is also a reminder that pastoral care is the responsibility of all.


Share Jesus Christ


Both of the above are ultimately means to the most important end of all, to mission. This should include a realistic look at worship, daily activities and use of our premises. Would our bringing people to Jesus in turn bring people to church and Sunday worship? Under this heading it is also worth exploring the development of teaching programmes for sharing our faith or setting aside funds for people who feel called in that area to go on special training courses. The critical biblical text which encompasses our new vision statement of Engaging Caring Sharing is 1 Peter 3;15 "Be ready at all times to answer anyone who asks you to explain the hope you have in you." (Good News Bible). The text reminds us that hopefully, by our daily living of Engaging Caring Sharing, someone will see something of Jesus within us, and want to know more.

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